IT Project and Deployment Services

Cadan Technologies makes deploying new technology simple and easy.

Deployment Simplified

Cadan approaches all IT projects using a proven and time-tested process. With our established processes, deploying and installing new technology is painless. Our team-based approach for IT project management makes for a stress-free transition process.

IT project and deployment services
our promise

Our Promise

Cadan will deliver on your project on time and on budget, ensuring your organizational objectives are met.

Our Process

Cadan’s refined IT project process ensures we properly identify your project requirements and execute on the agreed deliverables within the allotted timeframe and budget, so that your organization can meet its organizational goals and objectives. Our team of experts will ensure your project is done right the first time, on time.

IT project and deployment services
lifecycle deployment

IT Lifecycle: Deployment Phase

When you need new IT technology or an upgrade of your existing IT systems, it can be hard on daily productivity. The Cadan approach to IT Project and Deployment Services minimizes downtime while our team of professionals manage everything from network installation to custom configuration. Our Deployment Phase will have you up-and-running in no time to ensure minimal impact on your production environment.


IT Consulting

Cadan can take the stress out of your IT. We will help you understand your network and all its potential.


Sourcing & Procurement

Benefit from our strong vendor relationships and expert sourcing capabilities.


IT Projects & Deployment Services

Deploying and installing new technology is simple and easy with Cadan Technologies.


Managed IT Services

Our priority is to manage your IT so you can run your business.


Keep your IT running with extended maintenance, on-site services and repair services.


Asset Disposal & Remarketing

End-of-life processing can include responsible recycling, resale, and data destruction.


Hosted Solutions

Reduce on-premise infrastructure with best-in-class, hosted and cloud solutions.

Next Up on the IT Lifecycle: Management Phase

Cadan is committed to providing you with a robust and secure IT infrastructure that meets the needs of your organization. This phase is key for keeping your systems managed and secure while you run your business.

Cadan Technologies' green, transparent logo

While not all managed service agreements are the same, Cadan Technologies is committed to educate you on the CHOICES available to make the best decision for your company.

We are ready to help streamline
your business. Let’s talk!

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